In the fifth World Cup race of the Olympic winter ski-cross athlete Heidi Zacher missed the podium for the first time. One day after her first win of the season, the Lenggrieserin dropped out of the semi-finals at the second competition in San Candido/Italy and finished fifth. Previously, the 29-year-old had also finished second three times.
Zacher also missed out on the overall victory at the cross-alpine ski-crossers’ cross-alps tour, which was secured by their third victory of the season by World Champion Sandra Näslund (Sweden). Julia Eichinger (Neureichenau), who, like Zacher and Celia Funkler (Munich), has already fulfilled the Olympic norm, finished 12th.
The German men are slowly gaining momentum. Tim Hronek (Unterwössen) already retired in the round of sixteen, Paul Eckert (Samerberg-Törwang) and Florian Wilmsmann (Hartpennig), who had already qualified for the Olympics, finished tenth and eleventh after their failure in the quarter-finals. As on the previous day, the victory was won by the Swiss Marc Bischofsberger.