Lacoste competition: 4.
Lacoste and tennisnet raffle 1×2 tickets for the ATP final in London in November!Answer today’s third Monday question correctly, and you’re already in the raffle: Who were Rene Lacoste’s most important companions?
Rene Lacoste won no less than ten Grand Slam titles in his successful career and won four times with France at the International Lawn Tennis Challenge, today’s Davis Cup.In the late 1920s and 1930s, Lacoste was a member of the notorious, successful “Four Musketeers”, based on the famous novel “The Three Musketeers”.
Together with Jean Borotra, Jacques Brugnon and Henri Cochet, Rene Lacoste dominated the tennis world.Only the American Bill Tilden was able to keep up with the four Frenchmen during this period.Borotra, Brugnon and Cochet were also the ones who always stood behind Lacoste and played a major role in his success.
But also his wife Simone and their daughter Catherine, who were very successful golfers and hold some records until today, were always at the side of Rene Lacoste.After his active career, it was above all they who supported the inventor, founder and designer.
Do you know the answer to the Monday question?Then join now and post your answer on Facebook.Every Monday from 18.September to 23.On October 16th, there will be a new tricky question on the Facebook page of tennisnet, which will be answered under the respective post.Among all participants there are great prizes from Lacoste for every Monday question.In addition, up to 30.With a bit of luck you will fly to London for the ATP-Finale with your companions soon!

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