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Patrick Dobesch demands tour finals wildcard for duo Beutler & Trinko

Patrick Dobesch demands tour finals wildcard for duo Beutler & Trinko


Patrick Dobesch demands tour finals wildcard for duo Beutler & Trinko

The currently – in the team together with Michael Posch – best double player of the hobby tennis-…

Patrick Dobesch, currently the best doubles player of the Hobby Tennis Tour – together with Michael Posch – has made an interesting and controversial suggestion on Sunday evening in the context of the November Masters Series 1000 tournament. The 33-year-old from the UTC Bad Sauerbrunn, who is aged 25. November to 2. December 2017 the 28. For the first time last weekend, the duo Christoph Beutler & Andreas Trinko, who together with their congenial partner Michael Posch, will tackle the HTT Tour finals in the UTC La Ville together with their titleholder Michael Posch, demanded a wildcard for the strongest and final of the November Masters Series 1000 Tournament, despite the lack of a master qualification. A report by C. L.

Two of the best doubles that the Hobby Tennis Tour has to offer are in danger of becoming spectators at the upcoming season’s highlight of the most successful doubles teams in 2017. Because Matthias Braun suffers from the consequences of a back injury and had to cancel his fourth Masters start prematurely in a row, his long-time double partner Christoph Beutler also missed the season finale of the Top 8 at UTC La Ville. Andreas Trinko, who will experience the doubles competition in the HTT-Tour finals only as spectator due to Philipp Schneider’s probable prevention, is likely to experience the same ski-salvation as Beutler. A circumstance that prompted the two-time season Grand Slam winner Patrick Dobesch to call for a wildcard for Christoph Beutler and Andreas Trinko, who will be playing together for the first time this weekend at the November Masters Series 1000 tournament.

The demands of the almost 34 year-old on Monday evening after the semi-final at the last HTT Masters 1000 Double Event, in which the HTT French Open and HTT US Open Double Champ, together with Michael Posch, lost to the debuting duo Beutler-Trinko 6:7.3:6, were fired and strengthened, and the first defeat after eight victories was lost en suite In addition, both players have achieved the sporting qualification, only with other doubles,”says the 33-year-old. Beutler & Trinko, who have played doubles three times against each other on the Tour so far, will be grabbing the final of the November Masters Series 1000 Tournament against their debutants Christian Posch and Anton Reithmayr on Wednesday evening in their first joint appearance after the title and 1,000 points for the ranking. Whether the possible “1000” is sufficient for a Masters start without a wildcard remains to be doubted.

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