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wecarelife: Best exercises for a firm bottom

wecarelife: Best exercises for a firm bottom


wecarelife: Best exercises for a firm bottom

Get your inner bastard on a leash! It is never too late for problem zones that are fed. With a targeted legs butt workout, even stubborn fat pads can be tackled. A short intensive training session is sufficient to strengthen the muscles and tighten the skin. Squats and lunges are among the supreme disciplines. We show you how it works. On your marks, get set, go!

Before you start training, the muscles should be prepared for the upcoming strain. This not only increases the performance of the musculature but also prevents injuries. Steppers, crosstrainers or treadmills are excellently suited for a crisp warm-up. But also by marching or light jogging on the course you can get your body going. Make sure you don’t wear yourself out during the warm-up. Too long and intensive warm-up reduces performance. 15 minutes of endurance training are ideal for targeted leg po training.

Furthermore, you can still win a gymnastics ball for your workout of wecarelife powered by Generali!

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