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Australian Open: Contacts lost: 14 seeded players already eliminated

Australian Open: Contacts lost: 14 seeded players already eliminated


Australian Open: Contacts lost: 14 seeded players already eliminated

The Brit Johanna Contacts is already 14th on the fourth day of the Australian Open. the seeded player was eliminated. Lucky Loser Bernarda Pera from the USA lost in the second round in the midday heat of Melbourne 4:6,5:7. The Australian-born had reached the semi-final and the quarter-finals in 2016 and 2017 at the first Grand Slam tournament of the year.

This season, 32 players will be seated in the four majors for the last time. Starting with the Australian Open 2019, the seed lists will be reduced to 16 professionals each. In 2001, the US Open had succeeded in expanding the seed-lists from 16 to 32 players, mainly at the insistence of TV stations. The broadcasters wanted to make sure that as many stars as possible were present in the later rounds.

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