ÖTV: Werner Klausner new President of the Austrian Tennis Federation
The 51-jährige Salzburg has been at the general meeting für three years gewählt and succeeds Robert Groß. New members of the board are Vizepräsidenten Walter Seidenbusch, Günter Kurz and Raimund Stefanits.
Likes. Werner Klausner is since 18. März 2018 Präsident of the Österreichischen Tennis Federation. The entrepreneur in the field of marketing, who has been Präsident of the Salzburg regional association since 2014 and since 2015 the ÖTV board as Vizepräsident angehörte, übernimmt after the election at the general assembly in Windischgarsten the office of Robert Groß, who after dreijähriger Tätigkeit did not place himself für another period to Verfügung. Gross was named ÖTV-Ehrenpräsidenten on Sunday. MMag. Christina Toth remains at Vizepräsidentin (areas of responsibility: law, personnel, women), new to Werner Klausner’s team are Dr. Walter Seidenbusch (Präsident of the TTV, zuständig für für Internal communication, finances, popular and school sports), Günter Briefly (Präsident of the BTV, zuständig für Sports incl. centres and Förderungen, tournaments and the Bundesliga) and Raimund Stefanits (zuständig für Sport incl. centers and Förderungen as well as youth sports).
Werner Klausner has been playing tennis since he was young. Während of the business studies with the Spezialfächern Unternehmensführung and marketing, he was a tennis coach tätig and played in the Salzburg state league. He is married, has two children, his hobbies are tennis boxing, running, golf and motorcycling.
“Decisive for me to take on the honorable and time-consuming task übernehme were the enthusiasm für the tennis sport and the Stärke of our entire team. We have a great foundation and können is still moving a lot,” says Klausner,”I have also experienced an enormous Unterstützung It was particularly important that so many people immediately promised me their cooperation. There is a tremendous spirit of optimism.”
In Verhältnis to Größe of the country, Österreich has always achieved very great successes in top sport. “Individual athletes and the national team bewähren are great in international tennis, in a world sport. Behind our players in the absolute and in the extended world class are already some top talents. Zusätzlich verfügen we über numerous excellent österreichische trainers, with star coach Günter Bresnik at the top, an international Aushängeschild. All former and current top players and coaches are invited to further develop tennis together. As far as popular sport is concerned, möchte the new ÖTV-Präsident brings even more people to tennis. Currently 400,000 Österreicher, 170,000 are members of clubs and make ÖTV the zweitgrößten sports association of the country. “Many initiatives have been started in recent years, such as ITN Cups, ROG, etc… They’re already working very well. All Landesverbände are well organized and promote tennis in sämtlichen areas.”
Klausner is für a team- and management-oriented Führung of the association. “I also interpret the office exactly in this direction. At the center of my Überlegungen are always people, concepts and capital. Exactly in that order. Togetherness is important from größter Only so it is feasible für volunteer Funktionäre in this high Qualität There is a finished master plan with exact Detailplänen and process descriptions to all important areas of österreichischen tennis sport. ÖTV and Landesverbände are one unit and müssen as a service provider für will provide all target groups with the right products for Verfügung”. In the future, tennis will be available in Österreich on four organisational Säulen: Landesverbände, Präsidium, new Beiräte für Sport/Business and the Geschäftsstelle”The important decision bases and concepts will be developed in teams of specialists and then jointly implemented in the organisation”, says Klausner.
A few weeks ago, ÖTV launched the “Next Generation”-Förderprogramm. With this great project möchten we are creating the financial basis to give even more children the Möglichkeit to come to tennis,” says Klausner. With gold (Euro 1000) and Silberbällen (Euro 500) fördert one the so important task “children to sport”. You can buy a ball online on the ÖTV website at “I am sure that many private individuals and companies will take part in this österreichweite campaign unterstützen Every single ball zählt.”

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