ATP: Juan Martin del Potro mourns dog Cesar
Juan Martin del Potro regularly posted funny photos of his dog Cesar in the social media and delighted his fans. Now he announced that Cesar died.
Tweets and instragram posts from Delpo and his best friend melted many people’s hearts. The question was always, who could put on the more loyal dog’s gaze: Delpo – or his Newfoundland dog?
Now the Argentinean announced via Instagram that Cesar is no longer at his side:”I will miss you very much, faithful companion. You have accompanied me for almost ten years, you have waited with joy for me after every journey, you have protected me, you have made a whole family happy and today you rest in peace and leave your traces in my heart. Goodbye, Cesar,”del Potro wrote under a picture of the two. We will miss Cesar too!

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