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wecarelife: Water March – What Water Does for Your Health

wecarelife: Water March - What Water Does for Your Health


wecarelife: Water March – What Water Does for Your Health

Unfortunately, it is completely underestimated: our good, fresh water. We are fortunate to be sitting directly at the source and to be able to enjoy it without restriction. But in our full everyday life we tend to forget to drink something.

And if so, then this “something” is not fresh, clear water, but rather a fluid that is sometimes more stressful for our bodies. Our body is designed for pure, pure water. For him, it is virtually the material par excellence, because our body alone consists of about 60 percent water.

We can survive for a long time without food, but without water we would only be able to survive for a few days. Water is absolutely essential for us humans. It is needed for almost every process in our body, whether it is our muscles, blood circulation, joints, our digestion and excretion or our breathing.

We lose fluid when we sweat, breathe or urinate. That is why it is important that we replace this liquid again – with the help of fresh, clear water, because this is the drink that our body really needs; without additional calories, simply pure, but with many valuable minerals.

Water does not only quench our thirst, it plays a much bigger role. If you drink too little or the wrong amount of water, you will also reduce your endurance and muscle strength. The warmth in the body increases, you feel tired and weak. Often you also become unconcentrated and get a headache. If you want to lose weight, it is also advisable to use water, because enough water in the body ensures that fat loss and muscle growth are supported.

Drink a glass of water in the morning immediately after getting up.

Drink at least two litres of water per day. If you do a lot of sports or are very tall, or even more.

Make it easy: Always take your water with you, whether at home or in the office in a large jug or on the way in a water bottle.

Drink a glass of water before each meal. Make this behavior a habit.

You will recognize your fluid status and a. on your urine: If this is very bright, almost colorless, they are well hydrated. Otherwise, drink more to make the urine lighter.

Use your newly acquired knowledge and supply your body with sufficient water consistently and regularly throughout the day.

Like everything else, the dose of water makes the poison. It doesn’t make sense to consume extremely large amounts of water in a short time; such behaviour can even be dangerous, so don’t exaggerate and rely on regularity and continuity by drinking a suitable amount of water (depending on size, performance level and range of movement) throughout the day.

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