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Ski-Alpin: Sölden: Big trouble about ticket refund

Ski-Alpin: Sölden: Big trouble about ticket refund

Winter Sports

Ski-Alpin: Sölden: Big trouble about ticket refund

After the last-minute cancellation of the men’s Ski World Cup season opener in Sölden at the end of October, a Styrian skier from the Austrian Ski Federation (ÖSV) demanded the money for the tickets back. When he was refused this, the ski fan turned to the Styrian Chamber of Labour. This was able to beat him out of the 175 Euro for three tickets at the ÖSV – the association made “an exception”.

Bettina Schrittwieser, head of the Arbeiterkammer consumer protection agency in Styria, confirmed a report on Monday from the ORF radio station that the Styrian did not get any money back at first. Both on the website of the ÖSV, with three callsigns, it was stated for days that the tickets would not be refunded, and on telephone request the man was told that he would not get his money back – according to the general terms and conditions of the ÖSV.

After the Styrian contacted the AK, Schrittwieser checked the terms and conditions of the association on the subject of complete cancellation and classified a clause as illegal:”It is formulated so comprehensively that for whatever reason the race is cancelled, the consumers should never get the purchase price back”, she said. This would transfer the organizer’s entire risk to the visitors. In her opinion, the clause therefore violates the protective provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, the lawyer stated.

Only after a letter from the AK to the ÖSV, it was said that the ticket price was exceptionally reimbursed to the Styrian. They defended themselves and spoke of the legal validity of the GTC. A total of around 2,500 fans are said to have been affected by the cancellation due to violent gusts of wind. Approximately 56,000 euros are said to have been collected in advance sales. According to the ORF report, the ÖSV did not announce whether other people affected will also be reimbursed for their ticket costs. According to ÖSV, the general terms and conditions are in preparation for the World Championships in Seefeld.

Schrittwieser recommended to possible further disappointed ticket owners who do not receive their purchase price back to contact AK or another consumer protection institution:”We are surprised that nobody else has contacted us or the colleagues of AK Tirol, but the ÖSV has also informed us that all their money will be returned.

Incidentally, the Styrian concerned had not been reimbursed the costs of a cancelled ÖSV event two years ago. Even then, he had only received compensation with the help of the AK.

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