Winter Sports
Ski jumping: Wellinger leads DSV team on Norway tour – Wank back
With Olympic gold medallist Andreas Wellinger at the top, the German ski jumpers reach the last highlight of the winter season. The 22-year-old is leading the DSV’s seven-man line-up for the “Raw Air”tour in Norway, where he will be jumping for ten consecutive days in Oslo, Lillehammer, Trondheim and Vikersund. The starting signal will be given on Friday (19.30 hrs) with the qualification at Holmenkollen in Oslo.
“The next few weeks will again demand everything from the athletes,”said Werner Schuster. In addition to Wellinger, who won three medals in Pyeongchang, the national coach also nominated the overall World Cup runners-up Richard Freitag, Markus Eisenbichler, Karl Geiger, Stephan Leyhe, Constantin Schmid and Andreas Wank.
“We want to use the rest of the season once again to offer top performances. Our goal is to finish the season at a very high level,”said Schuster.
The “Raw Air”-tour takes place for the second time, within ten days six World Cup-jumping events are scheduled. The special feature: The respective qualification is also included in the overall ranking. Whoever collects the most points in 16 jumps will receive a bonus of 60,000 euros.
Last year Wellinger had led in Vikersund before the last jump, but then fell behind winner Stefan Kraft and Kamil Stoch from Poland.

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