Winter Sports
Winter sports: Neureuther on footballers: “How many have remained authentic?”
Felix Neureuther criticised the lack of courage in all areas of society and sport, citing the behaviour of footballers as a negative example.
“Many athletes complain in small groups about the problems of their or the international sport. But that was it. I think that’s extremely sad. Everyone should open their mouths and try to make a difference. The sum of the comments then brings solutions,” the German ski star told the Augsburger Allgemeine.
And Neureuther continues: “There are far too few who have courage. For example, if you look at the interviews in football these days: How many are there who have remained authentic? The answers are predictable, saving you trouble and giving you peace of mind. It’s also understandable, because the media reactions are often totally exaggerated and often out of context.”
Neureuther also once again blamed the major sports associations such as FIFA and the IOC. The development of major events such as the Olympic Games had gone completely out of control, the slalom and giant slalom specialist complained. Sustainability was not considered.
“People must be able to stand behind this unique product again. To this end, the guidelines for organisers must be completely new and oriented towards sustainability and not towards gigantism. You have to act now, otherwise it will be too late at some point,” appealed Neureuther.
One can already see the omens in Western countries where people no longer want to admit to the Olympic Games in their own country.
“Sport must be in the foreground, not people who want to distinguish themselves through sport. It saddens me when I see how the IOC and FIFA disregard these values. The most important thing about sport is the emotions and rules. And unfortunately, both have been trampled underfoot. Topic Doping. Topic Major events for which the taxpayer has to pay. Billions of euros are collected and spent. Where is the money going,” says Neureuther.
The Winter Olympics should have taken place in Munich and the surrounding area in 2022. But the clear majority of the citizens decided against the event. Instead, the games will go up in four years in Beijing.
“Back in a country where people where human rights play no role and sustainability is only behind the show,” said Neureuther and explained: “I also scolded the Garmisch farmers back then when they were against the Munich Olympic bid and did not want to give up their land. Now I have to say, “I’m sorry, you were right about some things.”
Would Neureuther himself perhaps be a man who could bring about changes after his career as a functionary?
“I don’t think I’ll ever have anything to do with the IOC or the DOSB. I have already said too many things that do not suit many officials there. If I am really convinced that it makes sense and that something can be done, I would of course make myself available,” said Neureuther.

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