MLB: MLB sets new homerun season record
The MLB has a new homerun season record.Alex Gordon’s home run in his Kansas City Royals’ eighth-tier Toronto Blue Jays game was the 5694.Homerun of the MLB season – that’s the highest number of Big Leagues in a year.
“I came into the cabin after Darwin had hit a home run and I heard the boys talking about it.So I was reasonably aware that we were close,”Gordon explained after his record-breaking homer,”and when I came back to the dugout after the homer, I had already forgotten it again.I hit the homerun and then they told me it was the record homer when I got back into the dugout.It’s pretty cool being a part of this story.”
After the games on Tuesday evening, the MLB is now at 5707 home runs in the season.The old record was back in the year 2000, when 5693 homeruns were beaten.
But those who beat the homeruns to the tie and the new record were not the usual candidates.Alex Presley (Tigers) beat the 5693.Homer of the Year and it was only his second this season.Gordon, on the other hand, only beat his eighth Homer of the Year.
In addition, 374 Multi-Homerun-Games were won, which has already surpassed the best score of 1999 (362).In the previous year, there were only 337.
In addition, Yasmani Grandal (Dodgers) and Ian Kinsler (Tigers) each beat their 20.Homerun, with which 110 players have now hit at least 20 long balls.Last year the record of 111 such players was set. 38 players made it for the first time this year.
This article was published without prior view by the Major League Baseball.

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