Handball: Supervisory Board expresses confidence in Gislason
The Supervisory Board of the crisesome handball record champion THW Kiel has expressed its confidence in coach Alfred Gislason despite the bad start to the season.
“We are all firmly convinced that the coach and the team will find success again together.We do not see any need for action here,”said Reinhard Ziegenbein, chairman of the five-man control committee, to the Kieler Nachrichten on the day after the 21-32 defeat in the Champions League at KS Vive Kielce.
The THW has had the worst start to the season in 15 years.Kiel lost three of the previous six games in the league.And for the first time in the Champions League, two THW defeats marked the kick-off of the 25-year history of the competition.Ziegenbein did not comment on the position of Thorsten Storm, who also came under criticism.There is no discussion.
We will do everything we can to strengthen cooperation and have told the trainer that the economic basis has been created if the sporting side considers mental support of the team necessary,”said Ziegenbein.
A mental trainer has not yet existed at the THW – in contrast to football Bundesliga clubs, where sports psychologists are almost obligatory members of staff.

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