Ice Hockey
Ice Hockey Austria: Young ÖEHV team lost to Hungary after a strong comeback
With nine debutants in its ranks, Austria’s national ice hockey team lost 3:4 (0:1,1:2,2,2:0;0:1) after extra time against Hungary on Wednesday. ÖEHV team manager Roger Bader started preparing for the title fights in Denmark in May without numerous World Cup candidates committed to their clubs. According to him, the “youngest team of all time” did well.
The Magyars, who used the match as a test for the home B World Cup, took the lead in Szekesfehervar after just 80 seconds with a goal from SAAM legionary Istvan Sofron. In the middle section, the penalties of the Austrians, Csanad Erdely and Gergö Nagy used this to score two Powerplay goals within one and a half minutes (32nd).
ÖEHV captain Manuel Ganahl managed the 1:3 (38.) before the last break. In the final section the guests were even superior, defender Steven Strong scorte twice (49th, 55th). But a Happy-end was not granted to the Austrians: Andrew Sarauer ensured the success of the local team after 33 seconds of overtime.
On Thursday (7.15 pm) another duel with Hungary will follow in Vienna, the second of a total of nine ÖEHV matches in the run-up to the World Cup.
Team boss Roger Bader was generally satisfied with the team’s performance. “It was certainly not to be expected in the run-up that it will be such a balanced game. We can build on the second 30 minutes of play and perform like this again on Thursday,” said the Swiss player.
The draw after 60 minutes is fine. “In the first 30 minutes we were certainly still a little nervous and first had to find each other as a team,” Bader emphasized. “However, it’s extremely positive that we have caught up 3-0. This means that our training sessions have a good effect on the players’ stamina.”

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