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When Jordan made his political statement


When Jordan made his political statement

In 1990, a sneaker saying by NBA legend Michael Jordan caused quite a stir. 30 years later, the former Chicago Bulls star justifies his statement.

“Republicans buy sneakers, too.”

In 1990, a phrase that Michael Jordan had spoken rather carelessly caused quite a stir. It referred to a Senate election in Jordan’s home state of Carolina, which was decided between Republican Jesse Helms and his Democratic challenger, Harvey Gantt, an African-American.

Jordan was considered an apolitical professional during his active time – which made this sentence all the more astonishing.

Three decades later, in the fifth episode of the ESPN/Netflix documentary “The Last Dance”, Jordan has taken a stand on his former statement – and defended it.

Jordan on sneaker saying: “A joke on the bus”
“I don’t think I need to correct it because it was a joke on the bus with Horace Grant and Scottie Pippen,” said Jordan, referring to his former teammates.

Der Satz sei aus dem Stegreif entstanden. “Meine Mutter hatte mich darum gebeten, Harvey Gantt zu bewerben, und ich habe ihr gesagt: ‘Ich spreche nicht einfach so über jemanden, den ich nicht kenne. Aber ich werde seinen Wahlkampf finanziell unterstützen.’ – das habe ich getan”, erklärte der heute 57-Jährige.

Jordan sah sich selbst nie als politische Figur. “Ich lobe Muhammad Ali dafür, dass er für das eingestanden ist, woran er glaubte. Aber ich sah mich nie als Aktivisten an. Ich hielt mich für einen Basketball-Spieler”, erklärte Air Jordan nun.

Er sei kein Politiker gewesen, sondern habe sich auf sein Handwerk konzentriert. “War das selbstsüchtig? Wahrscheinlich. Aber das war meine Energie.”

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