Dishwashing accident of MLB-Star
MLB pitcher Jose Quintana of the Chicago Cubs injured himself washing dishes. The 31-year-old left-hander from Colombia even needs surgery.
MLB pitcher Jose Quintana of the Chicago Cubs has had a lucky accident while washing dishes.
The 31-year-old left-hander from Colombia had made a cut on his thumb while washing up last Saturday, which first had to be stitched with five stitches.
On Thursday he underwent microscopic surgery on his thumb in Chicago because a nerve had been torn. Quintana should be able to return to throwing training in two weeks.
MLB season with significantly fewer games
The season in the MLB is scheduled to start in July. In the regular season 60 instead of the original 162 games are to be played.
In contrast to the NBA, which will continue its season in July at Disney World in Orlando under strict hygienic conditions, the MLB teams will play in their home stadiums without an audience.