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Handball: Victory series from Hannover-Burgdorf torn, lions sovereign

Handball: Victory series from Hannover-Burgdorf torn, lions sovereign


Handball: Victory series from Hannover-Burgdorf torn, lions sovereign

The TSV Hannover-Burgdorf’s winning streak has been torn.The leader of the Handball Bundesliga table was defeated after five victories on 6th place.Matchday at DHfK Leipzig 23:25 (11:11).The Rhein-Neckar Löwen, on the other hand, won with 36:27 (19:17) against tail-light TuS N-Lübbecke, who kept the game open for a long time and secured the 20,000th goal in the first half of the Bundesliga’s history.

In the second leg of the fourth matchday’s game, the Stuttgart TVB won in the Württemberg derby at FA Göppingen 23:21 (13:10).At Hannover-Burgdorf, which continues to lead the standings with 10:2 points, the Danish left-winger Casper Mortensen (9) was the most successful thrower in a game that was very evenly matched throughout the entire season, while Philipp Weber scored eight goals at Leipzig.

In Mannheim, as usual, lion director Andy Schmid shone with seven goals for the favourite, who finished the fourth game within nine days after his two Champions League games during the week.Lübbecke limited the gap to a maximum of two points until halfway through, but had to let the lions draw after the change of sides.

In Göppingen, Stuttgart’s back-room players Stefan Salger and Michael Kraus were the best casters with Frisch Aufs Zarko Sesum (5 each).Stuttgart’s former national goalkeeper Johannes Bitter shone with 16 parades.

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