MLB: Owners decide to sell Marlins to Jeter Group
The sale of the Miami Marlins to a consortium of bidders around ex-Yankees-Shortstop Derek Jeter is a closed deal.On Wednesday, the 29 owners of the other MLB franchises unanimously voted for the sale.
With the approval of all the team owners announced by MLB on Wednesday afternoon, it is clear that Jeffrey Loria’s team will be sold to a group led by Bruce Sherman and Jeter.The voting was conducted by telephone conference.
“I wish Jeffrey Loria and David Samson the best,”said MLB commissioner Rob Manfred in a statement,”During their tenure, the Marlins have won the World Series 2003, successfully hosting this year’s All-Star Week in the spectacular Marlins Park and eagerly supporting our efforts to grow the game internationally.I congratulate Mr. Sherman on having received the approval of the Major League clubs as the new Marlins controller and look forward to Mr. Jeter’s ownership and new CEO role following his extraordinary career as a player.”
However, the MLB announced that the sale depended on the “completion of the sale transaction with the current owners of the Marlins”.This is expected for the coming days.Sherman and Jeter take control of the team.
Loria had bought the Marlins in 2002 for 158.2 million dollars and is now reportedly receiving 1.2 billion dollars for sale.
This article was published without prior view by the Major League Baseball.

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