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MLB: Two Red Sox players under the knife

MLB: Two Red Sox players under the knife


MLB: Two Red Sox players under the knife

Two Boston Red Sox players underwent operations on Tuesday.While Hanley Ramirez is likely to be fit until the start of the season, pitcher Eduardo Rodriguez will be short of time.

Rodriguez had to undergo a knee reconstruction of the patelloformeral ligament and is expected to be out of action for six months, the team said.This means that he will probably not be able to stand on the Mound again until April at the earliest and thus miss the start of the season.

Designated Hitter Ramirez, on the other hand, had an arthroscopy on his left shoulder with a wound incision.”I’m fine, it was just a little something, a little cleaning up to get a better swing,” he said to ESPN,”it was just a small thing and I’ll be ready for jumping training, but both operations were performed by Dr. Ramirez.James Andrews in Birmingham/Alabama.

Rodriguez spent six weeks on the Disabled List this season, after having been listed on the 1.Dr.Andrews recommended rest and a rehabilitation program at that time, although a later operation was considered an option even then.

Another Red Sox player could also soon go under the knife.Second Baseman Dustin Pedroia is currently rethinking the treatment for his damaged knee.He has already consulted specialists from Boston and New York,”If I have this repaired, the recovery period would be very long I have to discuss and reconsider a lot of things with the doctors to make a decision.”

This article was published without prior view by the Major League Baseball.

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