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NBA: Curry:”Did something stupid.”

NBA: Curry:"Did something stupid."


NBA: Curry:”Did something stupid.”

After his outburst against the Memphis grizzlies, Stephen Curry apologized about the social media. At the same time, he explained again why he briefly lost his composure. Kevin Durant and coach Steve Kerr are also commenting.

“There’s no excuse for that,”Curry wrote on Twitter. The two-time MVP had thrown his mouthguard on the floor at the Grizzlies just before the end of the match because he thought he was being fouled at a drive. The whistle of the referees, however, failed to appear.

Some observers said that Curry had thrown his face mask towards the Refs. But the playmaker denied this vehemently against ESPN:”I didn’t throw my mouthguard at the Ref. I can aim much better. It was not the first time that Curry threw his mouthguard on the field,” It’s not a good habit. I don’t think I’m gonna get locked up. My wallet should be much lighter soon.”

Nevertheless, Curry showed understanding for the decision of the referee:”I did something stupid. I deserve the injection. I’ll learn from it and try to control my emotions better.”

Coach Steve Kerr was only able to laugh at the incident afterwards and fell into sarcasm “He was to be suspended for at least eight to ten games. It was outrageous and terrible. Thousands of people in the ranks were in danger.”

Kevin Durant, who complained too much after the incident, was also ejected:”I had the feeling that Curry was being fouled at the drive. I let the referee know and then threw me out,”Durant explained.

KD caused a stir when he left. While many fans provoked him, Durant showed them the ring finger to remind people that the Warriors were the reigning champion. Some suspected, however, that it was the middle finger which KD denied.

“It was the ring finger. I’m sure many people think that I lifted my middle finger as an evil black athlete, but it was the ring finger,”Durant explained in retrospect.

The Warriors finally lost the game and after three games they are now in a win and two defeats.

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