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Olympia: De Maiziere welcomes IOC decision on Russia

Olympia: De Maiziere welcomes IOC decision on Russia


Olympia: De Maiziere welcomes IOC decision on Russia

Federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere has welcomed the Russian decision of the IOC.

“The IOC has determined systematic Russian doping during the Winter Olympics in Sochi. A bitter assessment of the integrity of sport,”de Maiziere was quoted in an opinion:” In view of this result, the IOC’s decision is consistent.

He welcomed the “clear signal connected with this to all states: Whoever systematically doping has no place in the Olympic family”. He hopes that this signal will be understood worldwide.

De Maiziere added that he also thought it was right that the IOC had opened up the possibility of allowing clean Russian athletes who meet the IOC’s strict requirements to compete under the Olympic flag in Pyeongchang.

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