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NBA: All-Star-Weekend: G-League stars meet Mexico’s national team

NBA: All-Star-Weekend: G-League stars meet Mexico's national team


NBA: All-Star-Weekend: G-League stars meet Mexico’s national team

New addition to the NBA’s all-star weekend. At this year’s event in Los Angeles, a team of top players from the G League will meet the Mexican national team.

This was announced by NBA-G-League President Malcolm Turner and Jose Reyes Ronfini, President of the Mexican Basketball Association, on the fringes of the match between Miami Heat and Brooklyn Nets in Mexico City.

The game will be played on Sunday before the All-Star-Game and will replace the existing NBA-G-League-All-Star-Game. Jeff van Gundy will be coach of the team, which is also expected to play for the USA in the qualifiers against Cuba and Puerto Rico in February.

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