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NBA: Al Horford talking:”Got everything to be a contender.”

NBA: Al Horford talking:"Got everything to be a contender."


NBA: Al Horford talking:”Got everything to be a contender.”

The Boston Celtics with Al Horford are currently the best team in the East. The Big Man spoke during a conference call about the prospects of Celtics, the numerous changes in the team and his new co-player Kyrie Irving.

Question: Mr. Horford, the start of the season went very well for the Boston Celtics. You’re first in the Eastern Conference. Do you think the team has the means to beat the Cleveland Cavaliers and reach the finals?

Horford: Yes, I think we’ve played really good basketball so far. We are a very young group and the longer the season lasts, the better the boys get. The same applies to the team in general. I think we have everything we need to play for the championship.

Question: With Aron Baynes, Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum as well as some other rookies, coach Brad Stevens had to integrate many new players. How is it that this works so well so quickly?

Horford: I am positively surprised by the huge impact that the newcomers are already delivering. A big part of the success is that they do what Coach Stevens demands of them. They were thrown into the cold water under difficult circumstances and they handled it very well. I am very curious to see how things will turn out at the end of the season. I believe that they will feel even more comfortable and we are even better as a team.

Question: You used to play in both Atlanta and Boston on Center. Through Baynes you are now a Power Forward again. What’s it like for you and what good is Baynes if he’s on the field?

Horford: It’s really fun with Baynes – on and off the court. He’s a great teammate and someone you want to have at your side because he understands basketball and makes the right plays. He always gives everything and takes up a lot of my defence work. I can concentrate more on the offense and do other things.

Question: The biggest innovation in Celtics-Roster is of course Kyrie Irving. What have you seen of him so far?

Horford: Kyrie is great. He has proven for years that he can play at a high level and I think that’s what makes us better. He also drives me to be more aggressive, especially in attack. So it’s a lot of fun to stand on the field with him.

Question: Coach Stevens often changes formations, partly because of injuries and partly because of better matchups. What is your opinion?

Horford: I think that versatility is one of our great strengths. We have the opportunity to make a difference. The coach constantly makes new demands on us, so that we are prepared for injuries, for example. And that’s exactly what happened. We have handled the situation around Gordon Hayward well and have not sought any excuses. We’re just trying to get the best out of the situation.

Question: Despite the many changes before the season, you were optimistic about the upcoming season. Now your team is playing really well. Can you enjoy that or are you too focused on the next game to reward the team’s progress?

Horford: The focus is of course always on the next game, but sometimes I lean back and look at the big picture. Many things were uncertain before the season, some boys had not even played a match in the NBA. I see that and I am pleased with the progress we are making. But then I also remember that it is important to concentrate on the next game. It’s the only way to get better. That’s the key to our team.

Question: You missed your chance to play in London a few years ago when you were still playing for the Atlanta Hawks. This year you’re back with Celtics when you play against the Philadelphia 76ers (Thursday, 9:00 p. m. live on SPOX and DAZN). Are you glad to have this chance again?

Horford: I’m really looking forward to it. When it was announced that we would play in London, my wife and I were thrilled. I want to do as much as possible on this trip. My wife and I have been there before and we love the city. It will be great to spend a few days in London again.

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