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NHL: Andrew Cogliano to be suspended for the first time after 830 games

NHL: Andrew Cogliano to be suspended for the first time after 830 games


NHL: Andrew Cogliano to be suspended for the first time after 830 games

After 830 NHL main round matches without any break, hockey pro Andrew Cogliano (30) has to be suspended for the first time in his career in the NHL because of a suspension. Due to a foul against the head of Sweden Adrian Kempe, striker of the Los Angeles Kings, missing the left wing of Anaheim Ducks in the games at Colorado Avalanche and against the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The Canadian Cogliano holds the fourth longest Ironman streak in NHL history, but his record-breaking quest is now over. Since his debut for the Edmonton Oilers on the 4th day of his career, In over ten years and three months or 3754 days from 1 October 2007, he has been involved in every match of his club. Cogliano has been under contract in Anaheim since 2011.

The longest Ironman series by Doug Jarvis (964 games) thus remains untouched in sight. In addition, Garry Unger (916) and Steve Larmer (884) played more games in a row than Cogliano. The longest series of active NHL pros after Cogliano is held by defender Keith Yandle (676) of the Florida Panthers.

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