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NHL: Kühnhackl on the road to success with Pittsburgh

NHL: Kühnhackl on the road to success with Pittsburgh


NHL: Kühnhackl on the road to success with Pittsburgh

National ice hockey player Tom Kühnhackl and the Pittsburgh Penguins in the NHL are still on the road to success. The defending champion from Steel City beat the New York Rangers 5-2 for the fourth time in a row. With the victory, the Penguins moved past the Rangers in the table and are currently the seventh-best team in the East.

Pittsburgh’s top scorer Phil Kessel (35th) set off with a 3-2 victory, while superstar Sidney Crosby (53rd) won the match 4-2. Kühnhackl scored a good ten minutes and fired three shots at the Swedish star goalkeeper Henrik Lundqvist.”

We are a fast team and at the moment we play like that. In this way, we tire the opponents,”said Crosby.

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