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US Sport: Drunk Driving: Former NBA star Rodman Arrested

US Sport: Drunk Driving: Former NBA star Rodman Arrested


US Sport: Drunk Driving: Former NBA star Rodman Arrested

Dennis Rodman is once again at odds with the law. The five-time NBA champion was stopped by car this weekend in Newport Beach, California, and apparently arrested for drunk driving. According to the celebrity website TMZ, the former basketball star fell through two alcohol tests.

Rodman, criticized for years for his visits to North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un, was stopped late Saturday evening. This was confirmed by Rachel Johnson of the Newport Beach Police Station south of Los Angeles. On Sunday morning around 6:00 a. m. (local time) the 56-year-old was allowed to leave again:”Dennis takes the matter seriously and will take care of his personal problems,”said Paul S. Meyer, lawyer for the Hall-of-Famer.

Only a year ago, Rodman had been sentenced to three years’ probation for several road traffic offences and had to serve 30 hours of community service.

Rodman had been on the wrong side of a federal highway with his SUV in the summer of 2016, caused an accident and then fled. On top of that, the long-time NBA professional had no driving licence and made false statements to the police.

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