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Handball European Championship: Germany reaches the semi-finals

Handball European Championship: Germany reaches the semi-finals


Handball European Championship: Germany reaches the semi-finals

Despite the 25-26 defeat against Denmark, the DHB team still have the chance to reach the semi-finals at the European Championship in Croatia. However, Denmark, Spain and Macedonia have to play along – and a German victory in the final game against Spain (Wed, 8.30 pm in LIVETICKER) is the basic requirement for the team of national coach Christian Prokop.

Macedonia: After their defeat against Spain, the Macedonians win their game against the Czech Republic and, at the end of the main round, they face Denmark. This would give the Macedonians five points. If Macedonia were to win two of their last two matches, Germany would have no chance of passing their first-round opponent.

Denmark: After their victories against Slovenia and Germany, the Danes also win their last game against Macedonia. With eight points Denmark would be the group winner.

Spain: After their victory over Macedonia, the Spaniards also beat Slovenia and would then have six points to go before the final match against Germany, which will be the last game of the entire main round on Wednesday.

Germany: The DHB team (currently four points) has two days off and in this constellation would have two points less than Spain before the last game. A victory over the Iberians would mean a tie. However, as the Bad Boys would have won the direct comparison, this would have meant the entry into the semi-finals with six points.

Czech Republic: The Czechs are not a danger for Germany when it comes to the semi-finals. Even if the underdog were to win his last two games against Macedonia and Slovenia, they would still only have six points – and Germany has already won the direct comparison.

Slovenia: The Slovenes can only reach a maximum of five points and thus no longer endanger Germany in the semi-finals.

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