Olympia 2018: Combiner Rydzek wins Olympic gold in German triple victory
Four-time World Champion Johannes Rydzek won gold at the Pyeonchang Winter Games in the Nordic Combineers’ Competition from the Large Hill in Pyeonchang.
In the second German triple triumph in Olympic history, the Oberstdorf rider from the great Bakken triumphed over Fabian Rießle from Breitnau and the normal hill winner Eric Frenzel from Oberwiesenthal after a jump and the 10 km cross-country ski run.
Three German combiners on an Olympic podium had previously only been in Innsbruck in 1976 by Ulrich Wehling, Urban Hettich and Konrad Winkler. It was the eleventh gold medal for the German Olympic team at the games in South Korea.
It was the eleventh gold medal for the German Olympic team at the games in South Korea. With 11 gold, 7 silver and 5 bronze medals in the medal table, she finished the eleventh final day in second place behind the still leading Norwegians (11-10-8).

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