Sports policy: iNado and WADA criticize IOC in dealing with Russia
The Association of the leading National Anti-Doping Agencies (iNado) has criticised the IOC’s decision to lift sanctions against Russia soon. This is “another short-lived deal”, according to a statement by iNado. The IOC’s handling of the topic has developed from “bad” to “worse”.
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) also sees the IOC’s course with skepticism. It must be “clarified”, WADA said,”that the Russian Anti-Doping Agency RUSADA still does not comply with the World Anti-Doping Code”.
At the end of the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, IOC President Thomas Bach had announced an early resumption of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and said:”The sanction will be lifted as soon as it is clear that there will be no more doping cases from Pyeongchang,” Bach said:”A further decision by the IOC is not necessary.
Curler Alexander Kruschelnizki and bobsledder Nadezhda Sergeeva were tested positively during the games. The Russian athletes had therefore entered the stadium under the neutral Olympic flag at the closing ceremony.
It is “obvious that the decision was taken for pragmatic reasons and not on principle”, the iNado declaration states. The IOC was the only organization that could “influence a change in Russia”. However, some of the IOC’s decisions have made it clear “that the interests of clean athletes are not a priority”.

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