MLB: MLB warns Yankees against selling beer with player faces
Major League Baseball has warned the New York Yankees not to sell beer with the faces of players in the foam. Since this season, the Bronx Bombers have the appropriate technology at the Yankee Stadium.
At a media event on Monday, the Yankees presented their new food and drink offerings for the new season. The highlight was technology that made it possible to print motifs such as team logos and pictures of players into the foam of beer or coffee.
The MLB, however, warned the team against using this technique for players’ faces over beer. MLB rules prohibit active MLB players from promoting alcoholic beverages.
The Yankees in turn appeased the league on Tuesday and announced that there were no plans to sell beer with the players’ pictures in the foam.
“Our hospitality team used Monday’s event as an opportunity to test the image machine with various Yankee logos and photos,” said a team spokesman.
The MLB also made a statement: “We talked to the club; the club did not know about the pictures” It went on: “According to our information, they told those responsible that it is not authorized and that they should refrain from doing so in the future”.
This article was published without previous view by the Major League Baseball.

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