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MLB: Danny Farquhar after brain hemorrhage in stable condition

MLB: Danny Farquhar after brain hemorrhage in stable condition


MLB: Danny Farquhar after brain hemorrhage in stable condition

Danny Farqhar of the Chicago White Sox is in a stable but critical condition after a brain hemorrhage. This was announced by his club on Saturday.

During the game against the Houston Astros on the night of Friday to Saturday, Farquhar fainted because of a cerebral hemorrhage. The reason for this is a rupture of a brain aneurysm.

After initial treatment by the White Sox Medical Department, Farquhar regained consciousness as he left the stadium. The player is currently under treatment at RUSH University Medical Center.

“Focus is shifting away from what’s happening on the square. We didn’t panic. We tried to bring him back to consciousness as soon as possible,” said White Sox coach Rick Renteria.

This article was published without previous view by the Major League Baseball.

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