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NBA: Hayward operates again

NBA: Hayward operates again


NBA: Hayward operates again

Gordon Hayward of the Boston Celtics has had another operation. A plate and screws were removed from the forward to help repair his broken fibula.

This was announced by the Celtics in a statement. Hayward should be able to start basketball again in six to eight weeks and be in full possession of his strength at the start of the training camp.

The plate and screws were not accepted by the body as intended, and are said not to have caused structural damage to Hayward’s leg.

Hayward was the great signing of the Celtics in the summer of 2017 when the former Jazz Forward signed for four years and 128 million dollars. Hayward, however, injured himself after a few minutes against Cleveland Cavaliers in the first game of the season and subsequently did not play for Boston.

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