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NBA: Iguodala is frustrated and continues to drop out

NBA: Iguodala is frustrated and continues to drop out


NBA: Iguodala is frustrated and continues to drop out

The Golden State Warriors will continue to miss Andre Iguodala in Game 1 of the finals. The forward still has problems with his damaged knee.

As the Warriors announced, Iguodala continue to make progress, but will not be re-examined until before game 2. The 34-year-old missed the last four games of the Western Conference Finals against the Houston Rockets.

“I’m not far away, considering how long that’s been,” Iggy told the media. The forward explained that he was still in pain and that the nerves at the knee were still inflamed. “I’m trying to understand how best to move with it. Unfortunately, however, progress is slower than we thought.”

This was also confirmed by Head Coach Steve, who revealed that Iguodala was frustrated with the situation. Iggy played 8.7 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.7 assists in the three games against the Rockets, but only played a good 27 minutes per game.

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