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NBA: Aldridge interview: “Curry has changed the game forever”

NBA: Aldridge interview: "Curry has changed the game forever"


NBA: Aldridge interview: “Curry has changed the game forever”

TNT reporter David Aldridge spoke with SPOX and DAZN about the NBA Finals (match 3 live on DAZN from 3am) – and explained why the game will never be the same again because of Stephen Curry.

He also talked about LeBron James, whose development is particularly impressive compared to other legends – due to the different coaching.

SPOX/DAZN: Game 3 of the NBA Finals is on, we have arrived in Cleveland. In game 2, the Warriors dominated from the start, had a better ball movement and moved well without the ball. What do the warriors have to watch out for in Game 3 to dominate again?

David Aldridge: For the Warriors, it’s all about decimating the turnovers. You can see immediately if they are not concentrated. Then they throw the ball out and make bad decisions. But as long as they are focused, as in game 2, and move the ball well within their own ranks, it is incredibly difficult to stop the warriors. They’re offensively so well occupied. Even if you take away their first options, they end up with Klay Thompson open on the other side or Steph Curry in the corner. That’s why it’s so difficult to stop them, because they have so many different weapons.

SPOX/DAZN: Speaking of Steph Curry – he set a new final record in game 2 with nine converted threesomes. He feels that every game hits even more threesomes and sets even more records. What more can we say to him?

Aldridge: He changed the game fundamentally! It will never be played the way it used to be – because he has shown what problems he can cause the defensive with the way he spreads the playing field. Meanwhile you can see other players coming into the league and trying the same thing. Trae Young, for example, who will be in the league next year, throws from the same spots as Curry. And there will be more and more, because you have realized how difficult it will be for your opponent’s team. It is simply impossible to defend so much space on the field. Curry changed the game forever.

SPOX/DAZN: Many people have said that leaving curry under the basket is bad defence for cavaliers. But isn’t it perhaps the better way to keep him away from the trifecta and push him under the basket instead of just letting him throw the trifecta?

Aldridge: Yeah, that’s simple math: three points count for more than two, so I’d rather let him go into the basket and make two points than leave him behind and let him throw the threesomes when I know he hits them. In addition, especially in Oakland, in the Oracle Arena, his threesomes have an electrifying effect on the fans and his teammates, which can be fatal for the opponents. Therefore you should let him do a few layups. Everything can’t be taken from him anyway.

SPOX/DAZN: Should the Cavs change their lineup? It seems Jordan Clarkson in particular gets too many minutes.

Aldridge: He has big problems, that’s right. His first two games weren’t good. But who do you bring in? The Cavs only have the players at their disposal. That can’t be helped. All they can do is make the game harder. Golden State is just too good to be given simple throws. Therefore: Be physical, annoy them, stand in their way and hope that you won’t get into foul problems. Maybe that also means that they should play smaller than before.

SPOX/DAZN: What’s on the offensive? Should LeBron see that he scores as much as possible himself or should he try to involve his teammates?

Aldridge: That sounds banal now, but first and foremost the Cavs have to hit their litters! LeBron played so many great passes to open players in the first two games that they just missed. I am thinking in particular of J.R. Smith and Kyle Korver. That would help LeBron enormously. He’s gonna score either way. No one can stay in front of him in one-on-one. But the Cavs are best when they fit a lot – and here at home their supporting cast is traditionally much more self-confident and accurate.

SPOX/DAZN: Will you give the Cavaliers another chance?

Aldridge: Here at home in any case! I have no doubt that they can win both games here and even the series. Of course they have to improve a lot, but they can do it.

SPOX/DAZN: What is your assessment of LeBron’s performance so far?

Aldridge: I’m not sure there are still words for it. He’s incredible and the best player in the league. What he does at his age is phenomenal. He leads the league in minutes, but he doesn’t get tired. Isiah Thomas put it aptly the other day: All the legends from previous generations have benefited from incredibly good coaching, in high school, college or later in the league…

SPOX/DAZN: For example?

Aldridge: Isiah played for Chuck Daly in the NBA and for Bobby Knight in college, Michael Jordan under Phil Jackson in the Bulls or for Dean Smith in college. They’re all Hall of Famer. LeBron, on the other hand, has achieved all this without being coached at hall-of-fame-level – which makes it even more remarkable when you consider how well he understands the game. It seems like he taught himself all this. Like he just knows how to play. This is unbelievable.

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