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NFL: Eagles: Wentz fit for Week 1?

NFL: Eagles: Wentz fit for Week 1?


NFL: Eagles: Wentz fit for Week 1?

The Philadelphia Eagles can continue to hope that quarterback Carson Wentz will be fit until the start of the regular season. After his cruciate ligament rupture Wentz can already train intensively with the team again.

Eagles coach Doug Pederson confirmed on Wednesday that Wentz can take part in the 7-on-7 sessions again. These are a “controlled environment” to observe the progress of the quarterback. Eagles fans can also hope for the videos circulating from the training session.

Wentz tore his cruciate ligament in the match against the Los Angeles Rams on December 10, making the rehabilitation and return period relatively tight until the start of the coming season. However, the fact that he will be able to work so intensively on the field even before the obligatory Minicamp next week should encourage Eagles fans.

The reports from outside are also becoming more and more positive. ESPN insider Chris Mortensen already announced on Tuesday that it increasingly looks as if Wentz will actually be fit for Week 1.

The Eagles are in a very good position: After Backup Nick Foles grew beyond himself in the playoffs and played a major role in the Super Bowl triumph, Philadelphia decided against a trade of the backup quarterback – although the offers were there. Among others, the Cleveland Browns were reportedly willing to invest a high draft pick.

But with Foles still in the team, the Eagles won’t have to take any unnecessary risks with Wentz and could choose to use Foles in the first games of the season instead. Philadelphia would still have the option to fold until the trade deadline.

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