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NBA: Schröder should be a role model for Young at Hawks

NBA: Schröder should be a role model for Young at Hawks


NBA: Schröder should be a role model for Young at Hawks

The new coach of the Atlanta Hawks, Lloyd Pierce, has high expectations of Dennis Schröder for the coming season. He thinks that the German international can be a good role model for Rookie Trae Young.

“I think Dennis will be a great role model,” said coach Young. “We’ve already talked about the fact that they can not only play together, but that Dennis also takes him by the hand. Dennis has already had a lot of success in this league and can be even better. Tell Trae to follow in his footsteps.”

This comes as a bit of a surprise after it seemed that the relationship between Schröder and the Hawks had broken down. In May Schröder spoke publicly about the idea of playing for another team, naming the Milwaukee Bucks and the Indiana Pacers as preferred destinations.

Schröder also broke off all connections with the Hawks on social media. However, coach Pierce believes that things will turn for the better between Atlanta and the German.

“I talked to Dennis and he’s happy,” Pierce asserted. “He liked who we drew in the draft and he also supports the direction we took. He’s in Germany right now, but he’s also looking forward to the guys we have here in Atlanta.”

Schröder played the best season of his career last year. The 24-year-old averaged 19.4 points and 6.2 assists for Atlanta.

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