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NBA: Manu Ginobili ends his career

NBA: Manu Ginobili ends his career


NBA: Manu Ginobili ends his career

Manu Ginobili will no longer be on the pitch in the NBA next season. The Argentinean announced this on his Twitter account.

“I’m announcing my retirement from professional basketball today with mixed feelings. I feel enormous gratitude for everyone who has been involved in the last 23 years of my career. It was a wonderful journey. Better than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams,” wrote the 41-year-old.

After Tim Duncan’s retirement and Tony Parker’s move to the Hornets, the last player of the successful trio is now leaving San Antonio Spurs, who played a major role in the four NBA titles in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2014.

Ginobili played in the NBA for 16 years and was appointed to the All-Star team twice (2005, 2011) and the All-NBA Third Team twice (2008, 2011). In 2008 he was also awarded the title of Sixth Man of the Year.

With the Argentinian national team, Ginobili caused a sensation at the 2004 Olympic Games when they defeated the USA in the semi-finals and won gold. Ginobili was even voted MVP of the entire tournament.

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