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MLB: Japan star reaches historic milestone

MLB: Japan star reaches historic milestone


MLB: Japan star reaches historic milestone

Shohei Ohtani spent a productive Monday. In the afternoon he first successfully completed a simulated game, then in the evening he hit his 15th home run of the season, joining an illustrious circle.

Since his elbow injury a few months ago, Ohtani hasn’t pitched in a game. On Monday, however, he already completed his second Simulated Game. At home’s Angel Stadium of Anaheim he threw 50 pitches over three innings and was satisfied afterwards.

“Personally, I feel like I don’t need any more simulated games. But that’s ultimately not my decision,” said the Japanese man on Monday. “That’s up to the coaching staff and physical therapists, so I have to talk to them first.”

In the evening the Angels finally received the Colorado Rockies and Ohtani started as a Designated Hitter. In the fourth inning he made his 15th home run of the season. He became the fourth player in the history of MLB to have beaten 15 or more home runs in one season and also had at least three pitching appearances. The others this season were Jimmy Ryan, Matt Davidson and baseball legend Babe Ruth.

Ohtani remains optimistic about his return to the Mound: “I was always confident that I could pitch again this season. Step by step I’m getting closer to this goal and with it my self-confidence has increased.”

This article was published without previous view by the Major League Baseball.

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