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MLB: GM search in Baltimore finished?

MLB: GM search in Baltimore finished?


MLB: GM search in Baltimore finished?

The Baltimore Orioles must have found their new general manager. According to a media report, it will be Mike Elias, who is currently still working for the Houston Astros.

As Bob Nightengale of USA Today reports, Elias will be the next GM of the Orioles if there is not a “sudden change of heart”. Elias currently reports to Houston as Assistant General Manager Jeff Luhnow.

As such, he is responsible for scouting and player development. He has been working for Astros since 2012 and has been with the MLB since 2007. Meanwhile Mark Feinsand of speculates that Sig Mejdal could follow him to Baltimore. Until recently, Mejdal was Special Assistant of GM Luhnow in Houston, where he was mainly responsible for analytics.

One of Elias’ tasks was the draft, where he found the established stars Carlos Correa and Alex Bregman.

This expertise will also be necessary in Baltimore, as they have finished their season with 115 bankruptcies and hardly any talent in the squad. Another important point for the new GM will be the appointment of a new manager to succeed Buck Showalter.

This article was published without prior review by Major League Baseball.

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