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NBA: Cabin crash with KD? Warriors lock Green for a game

NBA: Cabin crash with KD? Warriors lock Green for a game


NBA: Cabin crash with KD? Warriors lock Green for a game

The Golden State Warriors have internally banned Draymond Green from a game. The reason is probably an argument with Kevin Durant during the guest performance at the Los Angeles Clippers, which was lost after extra time.

Green was therefore not in action against the Atlanta Hawks, the Warriors won the game against one of the basement children of the Eastern Conference even without the former Defensive Player of the Year.

According to information from Adrian Wojnarowski and Marc J. Spears (both ESPN) the champion is said to have had a good crash in the cabin after the Clippers game. Eyewitnesses spoke of a verbal argument, which had not existed in the era of Steve Kerr with the Warriors in such a way yet. There was even talk of a “hostile” atmosphere.

The disputes are said to have been triggered by the end of the regular playing time, when Green got a rebound and dribbled in front. There the forward lost the spalding and the warriors didn’t get a throw anymore, it went into overtime and the champion lost the game. Durant and Green already clashed in a time-out, in the cabin the quarrel is said to have continued. But not only KD is said to have been dissatisfied with Green, also other players are said to have expressed their displeasure about Green.

“I think we did the right thing,” said General Manager Bob Myers about the internal penalty for Green before the game against the Hawks. “Steve Kerr and I decided that. The incidents required a reaction and we decided to impose this punishment.”

But Myers didn’t want the incident to go too far either. “We’ve known Draymond for many years and he sometimes wants too much, that’s just the way it is. I think we can just put this thing behind us now. It’s just something like that.”

Head Coach Kerr was also in the same league as his General Manager. “Draymond can be very dominant and the boys know it. He has a big part in our success and therefore he will continue to enforce his style. I can’t even imagine how he could somehow change and play differently.

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