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Basketball: Builder explains his move to China

Basketball: Builder explains his move to China


Basketball: Builder explains his move to China

Dirk Bauermann will leave s.Oliver Würzburg at the end of the season and move to a previously unannounced club in China. Now the former national coach spoke about his decision.

“It was ultimately a decision for a new great cultural and sporting challenge. But I am also of the opinion that you have to be authentic and honest in such things: Of course, financial aspects also play a role,” said Bauermann in an interview with

The 60-year-old’s decision was not understood by everyone in Würzburg. After the 72:45 victory against Braunschweig on Saturday, some fans let their displeasure run free and showed posters with inscriptions such as “Don’t stop travellers”, “Pride comes before the fall – thanks for nothing DB” or “IMMEDIATELY to China with DB Express”.

“If anyone accuses me of being greedy, let him believe it. It is important to me that I stand by my basic convictions. And that includes being honest in the explanatory statement,” said Bauermann.

The coach is also attracted to China because he assumes that the league there will develop very well in the coming years. And the cultural aspect also plays an important role.

“If, at my age, you get another chance to face such a challenge, then I believe it is perfectly reasonable to do so,” says Bauermann.

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