MLB: Stanton chases the 60 homeruns – and gets support
Giancarlo Stanton of the Miami Marlins is two games away from the end of the regular season at 59 home runs.To increase the number of his homeruns, manager Don Mattingly wants to use him in a new role this weekend.
Stanton could be the sixth player in the history of MLB to reach the mark of 60 home runs.Mattingly wants to support him – especially since for the Marlins (76-84) it’s not about anything anymore “It’s an important storyline for our club.After leaving the playoff race, you look at the individual statistics,”said Mattingly.
That’s why he could imagine putting Stanton on the leadoff spot in the last two games of the season, making him the first player to beat the Marlins.Depending on the course of the game, this could mean an additional At-Bat for Stanton.
“I’d like to see him at least make a round number out of it,”says Mattingly.”The record stood for a long time at 61 home runs, and I’d love to see him beat a few more.The entire team is aware of Stanton’s record-breaking hunt, he says.But he doesn’t know if Stanton wants to be the first player to hit.
Roger Maris had set a record in 1961 in the Jersey of the New York Yankees with 61 homeruns, which had held a total of 37 years.Mark McGwire then raised this record to 70 homeruns in 1998, and three years later Barry Bonds even managed 73 homeruns.However, both are associated with illicit performance-enhancing means.
This article was published without prior view by the Major League Baseball.

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