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NBA: The New Orleans Pelicans: A sand castle with two towers

NBA: The New Orleans Pelicans: A sand castle with two towers


NBA: The New Orleans Pelicans: A sand castle with two towers

The New Orleans Pelicans had to tremble for several days, but on Monday afternoon the all-clear was finally given: Anthony Davis is not more seriously injured and will be back on the court in the next few days. For the Pels this is essential. Probably no other team has such pressure to reach the playoffs as the franchise from Louisiana. How’s it going so far in the Big Easy?

The last three days were a nail-biting day for the Pelicans, but ultimately with a happy ending. The worst case has been averted. Anthony Davis has “only” pulled himself at the groin and does not need surgery. The brow could return this week.

It didn’t look good at all about AD. After colliding with Derrick Favors in the game against Utah Jazz, the superstar couldn’t leave the field on his own and accompanied the team for the last few days with crutches “It’s hard to explain. It was a pain I had never known before,”explained Davis.

Coach Alvin Gentry also took a deep breath and said,”We are relieved. The fact that it has now been listed day to day is great. The relief in the Pels’ camp also shows the great dependence on their star. The foundation is shaky, a sandcastle built dangerously close to the stormy ocean.

Especially the medical department does not enjoy the best reputation in the Association. It’s unique that the Pelicans share it with the NFL team, the New Orleans Saints, who have the same owner. It’s questionable, considering that football and basketball make completely different demands on the body. Davis, in particular, has been struggling with aches and pains time and again, missing out on more than 70 games in the NBA over the past five years.

But when he then stands on the field, it is usually a revelation, since February with his congenial partner in the front court – DeMarcus Cousins.

50.2 points and 23.5 rebounds will be played together every evening. If there were initial doubts whether this tandem could coexist with many small formations in today’s NBA, they should have been wiped out by now.

The two Bigs complement each other perfectly in the field and don’t take each other’s place underneath the basket. Head coach Alvin Gentry deserves a big praise for this, who together with his new assistant Chris Finch has found creative ways. Finch came from the Denver Nuggets before the season and also included some elements that were run in the Mile High City with Nikola Jokic.

The positional play is led ad absurdum. Especially without Rajon Rondo Boogie gave the playmaker in almost every part of the court. It’s not uncommon for floppy action to be played with the brow, which is chased around screens and has plenty of room after Handoffs. In some cases, curious ball losses occur because they are seven footers and not guards.

At the same time, one might think that the Pelicans would prefer a slower style with the Twin Towers. The opposite is true. If possible, the system switches over immediately after rebounding. Davis sprints like no other big on the other side of the field and is regularly found. That’s what Gentry wants. The coach doesn’t get tired of stressing that the pace should be held up. His team is currently ranked seventh in the league. After the Warriors, the Pelicans distribute most of the league’s assists (26.2 assists per game). Also a fact that surprises a little.

Together, the two of them were now in the field for 520 minutes and achieved a positive net rating of 4.4. However, due to the lack of alternatives on the bench, Gentry is often forced to break up this duo. That’s why Cousins sees many minutes with the Second Unit.

Behind the two All Stars, the quality drops radically. Alexis Ajinca is likely to return soon, but the Frenchman is not really a real option. In the modern NBA, Ömer Asik will probably not get more than a few Garbage Time Minutes for almost any team. Against Portland, Gentry (forcibly) bet on the Turks and that even made it quite appealing. But neither did the Pelicans coach have an alternative.

The experiment with Josh Smith before the season is also exemplary. It could only be the Pelicans who gave J-Smooth another chance. The result was sobering. In three games Smith got a few minutes and recorded a net rating of -26.2.

But the quality is also limited to Small Forward, so that Gentry finally chose Guard E’ Twaun Moore. The actual pair is clearly too small for the task, but for Gentry it is a solid option.

Page 1: The Twin Towers and their interaction

Page 2: The Rajon Rondo experiment and the future of the Pelicans

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