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Olympia 2018: Media: Frenzel wears German flag at Olympic opening ceremony

Olympia 2018: Media: Frenzel wears German flag at Olympic opening ceremony


Olympia 2018: Media: Frenzel wears German flag at Olympic opening ceremony

According to consistent media reports, Olympic champion Eric Frenzel will wear the German flag at the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Pyeongchang. Initially sport. de had reported on the somewhat surprising choice.

According to this, the Nordic Combiner prevailed against speed skater Claudia Pechstein, tobogganist Natalie Geisenberger, ice hockey star Christian Ehrhoff and ski racer Victoria Rebensburg.

The German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB) wants to officially announce the personnel on Thursday at 5.00 p. m. OZ/09.00 a. m. CET, the DOSB did not comment on the rumours on request.

The association had nominated five candidates until the 4th day of the meeting. The public and the German Olympic athletes were able to vote at midnight on 2 February, with both sides being weighted at 50 percent and the percentages from both camps being added.

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