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NBA: Because of Fultz: Redick rages against media

NBA: Because of Fultz: Redick rages against media


NBA: Because of Fultz: Redick rages against media

In the last few weeks, shooting-videos of No. 1-pick Markelle Fultz have been circulating in the social media. When reporters wanted to film the Sixers-Guard again on Friday, his teammate J. J. burst. Redick the hat string.

“You’re sick,”Redick insulted as reporter Fultz, who hasn’t been on court since the first weeks of the season, wanted to film throwing. Fultz had changed his litter in the summer and since then he has had massive problems – with a diffuse shoulder injury he has been missing for months now.

The confusion grew even bigger on Friday when Sixers-GM Bryan Colangelo said that he didn’t know if Fultz would play at all this season.

“I understand that fans want to see his progress, but this may be a slightly longer process than we all hoped for and expected. Maybe he’ll be back soon, I don’t know, but it’s not my business. But I don’t understand why people come here every day to watch his litter. That’s a little compulsive.”

Fultz himself hasn’t spoken to the media for months. Redick didn’t want to say what the mood of the rookie, who was so highly acclaimed in the summer, was like,”We all want to see him back on the court,”Redick said.

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