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NBA: Jakob Pöltl: Now he really attacks

NBA: Jakob Pöltl: Now he really attacks


NBA: Jakob Pöltl: Now he really attacks

Jakob Pöltl celebrates his 22nd birthday today.Birthday.But the Viennese has only his second NBA season in mind.The 2.13m man could have a more prominent role to play with the Toronto Raptors.His first match of the season is scheduled for Thursday.

In an interview with the APA, Pöltl spoke about his expectations, his preparation and why he doesn’t think much of the “super teams” he bought together.

Question: You are facing your second NBA season and expectations have risen.Why is this season so important to you?

Pöltl:”The second season is very important for every player who wants to stay in the NBA.The first season was solid, but I definitely want to take a step forward now.The way our team is built up, the opportunity for me to have a bigger role is there.For me, it’s important that I assert myself.”

Question: As a second center, there is a chance that you will regularly have to spend many minutes in the field.What will it take?

Pöltl:”It’s all about achieving constant performance.One of my coaches has often said that it is important never to have two bad games in a row.A bad game happens, we have 82.But it’s important to catch yourself quickly and come up with a better game.I hope that once I’ve won my part, I won’t lose it again because of bad performances.”

Question: In the test games it looked quite good.What is your goal in this team?Can you measure this in minutes?

Pöltl:”I didn’t really set myself a goal.It’s about solid backup minutes, say 15 to maybe 20.But I think there is also plenty of air up there.I don’t want to set myself a goal that I’m already satisfied with.If I play very well, why shouldn’t I play any more?I just want to show the best and be on the field as much as possible.”

Question: The Raptors have only five really experienced players and a young guard who will be given a lot of responsibility.How do you deal with this?

Pöltl:”That’s what I meant.It’s a chance for us to point out.In this second unit there are hardly any people who have a lot of experience.But someone has to take responsibility.Despite the lack of experience, we as a collective have to score points with other strengths, for example with our energy.”

Question: Do you see it as a great, perhaps unique opportunity to have a breakout year in this situation with such a strong team as Toronto?

Pöltl:”In any case, the possibility is there.However, defining a breakout year is also difficult.It’s mainly about making the best of it, no matter how my role is defined.”

Question: The rookie-bonus, the puppy-protection so to speak, is definitely gone.What does that mean?

Pöltl:”You notice in training that the coaches expect me and us to show leadership qualities.Last year we learned from the older ones.Now often they come to us, to me for example, and say that I should get my people in line.Discussions with coaches and fellow players are on a completely different level.Last year was a lot of new things.Now, theoretically, I know everything that’s coming.”

Question: How much further do you feel than a year ago?

Pöltl:”Compared to this time last year, these are worlds.Both in the Summer League and in the pre-season I have been able to play much more freely and, in my opinion, also better.There’s no more nervousness.There is a certain certainty that there are no surprises ahead of me, that I know my fellow players and the system, the coaches, my role.It all makes a big difference.”

Question: Your team plays a new offensive tactic, with more distance throws.Will you also be seen thrown out of the middle distance more often?

Pöltl:”Because we have a lot more movement indoors, I too should have a lot more responsibility to take on.Middle distance tends to be rather short because we try to get away from these throws.Maybe a threesome once in a while.We now have more freedom in our offense.We have fewer fixed moves and have to create something ourselves.That’s a big change.”

Question: How well do you feel physically prepared?

Pöltl:”Good, physically very good.We also did a lot of fitness training this summer.I’m in better shape than last year.I wasn’t able to do as much strength training as I would have liked to do over the summer, but I feel comfortable with it.That’s not a big disadvantage.”

Video: Great Dunk by Jakob Pöltl


Question: What are the goals for the Raptors to enter the new season?It certainly didn’t get any easier at the Eastern Conference.

Pöltl:”As every year, the goal is an NBA championship.This is the ultimate goal.Whether this has now become easier or harder is another question.It is also clear that the top teams have strengthened once again.Ultimately, for us it’s all about getting a championship.Hopefully it will be this year.Probably the first thing to do is get past Boston and Cleveland, that’s what we have to work towards.”

Question: Due to new stars in the top teams, the league has a few “superteams”in the league.This is being discussed in America, sometimes fiercely.What do you think of that?

Pöltl:”I can’t say that I’m a big fan of it.But that’s the way it is.Basically, it is permitted, there is nothing to be said against it.If players or teams get together like that, you still have to beat them.If that is their way – and he has also proved to be successful in recent years – why shouldn’t they do it?”

Question: Is it even more appealing to beat these teams?You’re not a “super team”, you’re just a normal, good basketball team.

Pöltl:”Yes, that’s a bit like our motto:’ Built instead of bought’, so we built it up.This is part of our team philosophy.Kyle Lowry, DeMar DeRozan or Jonas Valanciunas, but also many of us boys – we’re not all bought together somehow.We’ve been drafted here, or from a young age in Toronto.It’s a little part of our identity.”

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